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Children Being Taken In Flint Water Crisis! MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!!!!!!!

So, this news has come to my attention, and i'm FUCKING PISSED! Are you serious? For real? Let me tell you what I found out.

Apparently, families are being threatened by the state. They are being told, if they do not continue to pay for their "water" aka poison on tap, it will be shut off.

Like anyone gives a shit. Yes! Please! Please stop the poison on tap from coming out of the faucets and killing their families.

Everybody knows that the state doesn't like when people don't give them all their money. They are charging for water still and when the residents refuse to pay for it, it gets shut off, the child protective services get called for child neglect because they are living in a house with no running water.

They are also getting threatened with forclosure if they allow their water to get shut off in their home.

Do you see what I'm saying here? This is disgusting! Slavery and genocide at it's best. These people are CRIMINALS! MURDERERS! GREED DRIVEN! They don't care about the people and it clearly shows. This is just not an isolated incident or a #FlintWaterCrisis. This has been going on for over 2 years already. Check out this video!

This isn't the only city its happening in. The state is estimating that its going to take at least 15 years and over $60m to clean up this mess. They are putting the burden of cleaning it up on the tax payers, even though it was clearly the states fault. This is outrageous! They are basically saying "We are killing you and if you don't pay us for it, we'll take your children and home from you."

To top everything off, residents who own homes in Flint aren't allowed to sell them. It's illegal to sell a home with contaminated water. So, you can't leave because you have no money. You have no money, because you can't sell your house. You can't sell your house because the water is contaminated. The water is contaminated because of the state. They are refusing to take responsibility. Even going as far as saying not only is it not their fault, but they are going to take your children if you don't pay for it to get pumped into your homes that can't sell.

IS ANYONE LISTENING! Our own citizens are being terrorized in our own country. We have to stop this! The Governor needs to not only be fired, but arrested. All cities need to have their water tested and plans put in place to impliment safer water. All flouride needs to be taken out of water. Any government official caught intentionally harming the citizens should face charges.

Flint residents have recently filed two class action lawsuits calling for all water bills since April of 2014 to be considered null and void because of the fact that the water was poisonous.

“We are seeking for the court to declare that all the bills that have been issued for usage of water invalid because the water has not been fit for its intended purpose,” said Trachelle Young, one of the attorneys bringing the lawsuit said in court.

“Essentially, the residents have been getting billed for water that they cannot use. Because of that, we do not feel that is a fair way to treat the residents,” Young added.

Meanwhile, residents are still being made to pay for bottled water, while being forced to pay for the poison being pumped into their homes. My biggest question is, HOW CAN THEY FORCE PEOPLE TO PAY TO BE KILLED?


Comment and let me know if you agree or disagree. What do you think about this?


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