Negativity In This World
So, I always ask my followers to give me any topic they would like to see me blog about. I got my first suggestion from a follower on facebook today.
Her comment was:
"In my opinion there are way to many negative assholes in this lifetime Nd generation and i say fuuuhhk em'!"
Although, I don't disagree with this statement, I do think it's a little broad. So let me break it down to what I think the problem is.
First, i'm going to start off with saying people have always hated the generation under them. My grandparents talked about how we were hoodlums. Their grandparents talked about how they were ruining the world with their devilish ways. So, i'm going to throw that perspective in there and say that will always overshadow our view of the next generation. That being said, I need to address a few things.
This generation is no doubt the generation of hate. The generaton of judgement. The generation of impossible beauty ideals and non-exsistent/exsistent relationships. The outright satanism, beastility, and hyper sexualism of this generation is no doubt detrimental to young minds. Not only young minds, but anyone who subjects themselves to the constant barrage of messiness.
It's like people forgot what love, compassion, morals, courtesy, and manners were. I'm so sick of seeing these thots on tv, instagram, twitter, whatever. I'm so tired of the lack of respect people have for themselves and others. How do expect someone to respect you when you don't respect yourselves.
Then there's these kids that walk around, cussing everybody out, robbing people at the age of 5, skipping kindergarten everyday to go smoke weed on the street corner. I swear if I see that, I will fight a kid. If I see a child being disrespectful in public and thier parents ain't checking them, oh i'm gonna check em. Maybe if more parents would be worried about their kids instead of their selfies and dm's, maybe, just maybe things would stop being so ratchet and go back to being civil.
Ladies, put your titties and asses away. I know a lot of you paid a lot for them, but all you're doing is presenting yourself as merchandise. A cheap thrill to be bought with a few dirty dollars. Then wonder why you're not wifed up yet.
It's like people don't see what they are doing. They only see what everyone else doing. Today's mothers and fathers are social media celebrities first and parents last. Honestly, stop complaining about people not treating you right, if you don't treat yourself right.
God says the wages for sin is death. DEATH. You might think that means if you sin God will strike you down with a bolt of lightning. Nah. It's way more complicated and seductive than that. Death will disguise itself as everything you want, until its too late. All that creepin, and hoein don't bring anything but hate, jealousy, envy, betrayal, sexual infections, so on and so forth. Now if those things don't get you caught up, idk what does.